Then, why don’t people bother to dress in their best when they go to meet Christ the King?

Then, why don’t people bother to dress in their best when they go to meet Christ the King?

I once had it run thru my heart she should be more conservative in her dress

If you were going to visit with the Queen of England I’m sure people would dress appropriately and in their best. I’m sure that those who run Buckingham palace wouldn’t let you near the queen wearing shorts and flip-flops.

It’s not the priests responsibility- immodest dress rests solely on poor parenting of children. Much like the indifferent attitude today of teaching our children the precept of attending Mass on Holy days of Obligation and EVERY Sunday -or the importance of daily Mass or praying the rosary everyday. It’s a cycle that repeats generation to generation. THIS MUST STOP

Items 3,7,8,9, 13 under item 4 in your article, Father, as well as language similar to the “final thought” have been posted in our parish church (Our Lady of Angels in Woodbridge, VA) and Perpetual Adoration chapel for years. They are not always obeyed in the church (maybe the offenders are visitors), but they are in the chapel.

I applaud everyone with an opinion. Read more